New year, new post...
As the Gijón Symphony Orchestra was including "The Typewriter" (Leroy Anderson) for its New Year´s Concert, I thought it would be funny to tape a rehearsal and share this unusual experience (because of the instrument being played) with you.
The original score suggests two aditional percussionists (apart from the "typer"): one in charge of the bell, and other one imitating the carriage with a güiro. For the sake of the theatrical aspect, and for a better rhythmical fit, I decided to play everything myself. I also added some "notes" that were not on the original score, which I think make for a better phrasing.
This is the result:
Voilá... My letter to Santa is ready!
I´d like to whish you all a very happy, musical and percusive 2012.
…et in Arcadia ego.
© David Valdés
That is definitely a great example of concert percussion and narrative music. It's great to see non-traditional instruments used in the orchestra. I am curious to see when and if electronic drum sets, like the Yamaha DTX, are brought into the concert hall. They can give you such a range of sounds. Exploring these in an ensemble orchestra would be very interesting to hear.