From this post on, Percusize Me! will feature a new look. The former design was coherent with the one on David Valdes website, which had white backgrounds and typography and other elements were blue and purple but, as we announced on the post "New website", its design was changed, with the predominance of black, grey and white colours. For quite a few time, those two different layouts coexisted but, from now on, website and blog are coherent design wise.
This is not the only new thing we are introducing today... Due to the lack of a certain "blogging culture", Percusize Me! had no tags or any other organising means permiting content search or easier surfing. After a very meticulous process, all posts feature appropriate tags and, what´s even better, they are themed grouped.
© David Valdés
In the upper part of the blog, right below the logo, there´s a menu with various tabs: you just have to click on one of them to access all content in the blog related to the clicked epigraph.
Let´s say you want to see all the articles related to timpani I have published on Percusize Me! Just click on the tab "Timpani", and you´ll gain access to all posts written about these instruments. It couldn´t be easier!
This way, the blog is well organized, and it´s much easier to surf.
I hope you you find these new improvements on Percusize Me! useful.
…et in Arcadia ego.
© David Valdés